Andrea Jeftanovic (Santiago de Chile, 1970)

She is Chilean writer, author of the novels Escenario de Guerra (Theater of War, published in UK by Charco Press) and Geografía de la lengua (Love in a Foreign Language), and of two volumes of short stories: No aceptes caramelos de extraños (Don’t Take Candy from Strangers) and Destinos errantes (Roving Destinations). In addition, has published the essays Write from the Trapezoide, Children Speak, and Dialogues with Isidora Aguirre.

Her work has received several prizes, including the Chilean Art Critics Circle Award and the National Book and Reading Council Award, Pen Translates Awards. Her books has been translated into several languages and it appears in international as well as local anthologies.

She studied sociology at the Catholic University in Santiago de Chile and afterwards she finished a PhD in Latin American Literature at the University of California, Berkeley. Jeftanovic is a theater critic, combines her literary work with academics at Universidad de Santiago de Chile.

Jeftanovic stands out in the contemporary Chilean literary scene.

Andrea Jeftanovic’s style is absolutely matchless. Her voice is utterly personal.

One of the most interesting and provocative voices on the Chilean literary scene.

Andrea Jeftanovic belongs to a group of Latin American contemporary writers with an open perspective on exploring global human issues.